Welcome To The Kingdom Of Cambodia
Your Dreams Can Become Reality In Cambodia
Cambodian Guide Services
Finding a Trustworthy Guide in Cambodia My latest trip to Cambodia was an absolute pleasure, and many thanks goes to my Cambodian Guide, Mr. Sowanna Yun ( http://www.cambodianguide.com ). "Wanna" speaks Khmer, Thai and English. He is very knowledgeable about the history of Cambodia and Angkor Wat, as well as all of the ruins throughout the region. Wanna arranged every aspect of our recent trip, and it went off without a hitch. I found him to be honest and helpful, and he went out of his way to make our trip the best it could be. I now consider him a friend and can't wait until our next trip there in 2009. Wanna has already started planning that trip for us, and I can't wait to reunite with him for another great adventure.
More Info. http://seaexplorer.blogspot.com
Sowanna is a very professional, very reliable guide, and a very good person too. He knows everything about Cambodia and Angkor temples. My trip was flawless. Strongly recommended!
Igor Bakman (igorbk@gmail.com)
More Info : http://igorb.livejournal.com/15452.htmlhttp://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Figorb.livejournal.com%2F15452.htmlSpecial thanks to Igorb Bakman came from Israel who pick up our services in Cambodia and posted many pictures of our country. May the God bless you and family to meet all happiness and longevity.
Special Thanks to YUN WANNA, our guide for great services provided and making our trip unforgettable experience. Our greatest recommendation!!!
More Info. : http://www.leshko.com
Hi Sowanna,Yes. I restarted my job. My wife made plenty of photos, as you know. Currently she is working on a huge entry in her internet blog describing our travel in detail. You can see this entry on http://tiny-rat.livejournal.com/, tag "cambodia". It is all in Russian, though, but you will see a lot of pictures there. She mentioned you couple of times in a very positive way, and mentioned that you "can't survive in Phnom Penh without a guide" (meaning you):))). She has not finished yet.Our trip on July 23rd was fine, bus was on time. We spent couple of hours in museum and then ate at a restaurant near Sisowath queue.I have very pleasant memories of Cambodia and will recommend you to my friends if somebody decides to go to your country. Maybe i'll come to your country again sometime. So, let's keep in touch.Good luck to you and your family,Dmitry and Nadia.http://tiny-rat.livejournal.com/http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://tiny-rat.livejournal.com/&ei=bKqYSpf2HdOHkAXzt52rAg&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=2&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dtiny_rat.livejournal%26hl%3DenSpecial thanks to Dmitry & Nadia who came from Russian and used our pick up services in Cambodia from 15 - 23 July 2009 in Phnom Penh city, Takeo province, Phnom Chiso & Tonle Bati temples and came to Siem Reap Angkor and Preah Vihear temple. May the Lord Buddha bless you and family to meet all happiness and longevity.
Написав несколько писем, я узнал, что на сайте http://www.cambodianguide.com можно узнать все подробности о стране, о памятниках архитектуры, древних храмах, религии и истории, а также о стоимости гостинниц и дополнительных услугах. Так как моя поездка была ограничена во времени, было принято решение воспользоваться услугами этого гида и автомобилем с водителем. Кстати, Если вы едете компанией, например 4-8 человек, то тогда можно заказать микроавтобус с водителем, а если больше - не вопрос забронировать большой автобус на группу. При этом стоимость в расчёте на одного человека будет совсем смешной.
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://svirepij.livejournal.com/tag/kampuchea&ei=7ay4Spj-JJao6APQ-cyGAg&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=2&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsvirepij.livejournal%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DGMore Info. : http://svirepij.livejournal.com/tag/kampucheaSpecial thanks to Pavel and Regina who used our pick up services in Cambodia and posted many pictures of Cambodia.
Wanna - The Greatest Tour Guide in Cambodia
Kelly recommended this tour guide to me 3 weeks before we left for Cambodia.
After few correspondences with him via email, WANNA (aka Yun Wanna) officially became our tour guide for the temple visiting.
I wonder if it is due to the female-dominant culture or the mindset of a traditional Cambodian, he was surprised when he found out it was a She (instead of a Guy) who sent him the emails during our first meet up in Le Tigre De Papie
He guided us for 4 days, including the trip to Angkor City (3-days), Beng Mealea temple and Tonle Sap Lake. Besides telling good legends, he is good in taking photographs, he knows which angle or poses are the best to potray the magnificent view of the tourist spots.
To be frank, I have never meet any impressive tour guide in my life. Wanna is the first who change my stereotype on a tour guide. I remember how he guided us along the journey, I respect his professionalism and passion into his guiding job, I remember how he cheered me up on the second day of the temple visiting, I remember how he called me 'philip, philip...' throughout the journey...WANNA, we appreaciate all your efforts.
As a tour guide, you have done a great job. You are the best companion of our trip!! Some says:"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going", YES!! The challenges and the hardships that we encountered and passed through along the journey will defnitely become one of the utmost traveling in our life!!
More Info. :
Dear Mr. Wanna, Our trip to Cambodia was amazing. We learned so much about your country, both past and present, in just three short days. It felt like we were in another world, one so rich with history, both glorious and spiritual, yet a recent history so incredibly painful. Irene and I both felt a great deal of respect for you, Mr. Bunto and the Cambodian people for how you and your country are pulling themsleves out of a difficult time and making the best of the great things you have: your temples, your forests and lakes, your culture and most of all, the beauty of the people from deep within. I would like to thank you and Mr. Bunto for all of the incredible knowledge you shared with us, but also your personal stories, your opinions and your observations. Thank you for not only helping to give us a great tourist experience, but also a great human experience. Visiting Cambodia was the highlight of our two week Songkran holiday. Thank you for sharing your life, your history and your culture with us.
Again, thank you for making our trip so rich. Maryan Cerina
Special thanks to Maryan Cerina and Irene Brinkman came from Canada who used our pick up services in Cambodia ( 16 - 18 April 2009 ) and donated moneys to our Angkor Homestay Volunteer Teachers Organization ( Free English Education for children in rural areas) amount US$40 and 100 Canada moneys.
May the God bless you and family to meet all happiness and longevity
Dear Sowanna,
It is now almost one year since I visited your wonderful country. You were my eyes and my ears and introduced me to everything Cambodia has to offer to the western tourist.
You were a kind and extremely knowledgeable guide and I had a wonderful time in your country. I have shown my photographs to many friends here and all have been very impressed. Obviously the Anghor Wat sites impressed but, more than that, some of the shots we have of the real people of Cambodia, their life by the river, etc have had a big effect on my friends.
I will be very happy to return to Cambodia in the next few years. It is a tourist destination without compare and I plan to return soon. Needless to say, when I do return, you will be my guide.
Kindest regards,
John Butterworth
j.butterworth@clix.ptSpecial thanks to John Butterworth came from Portugal who used our pick up services in Cambodia. May the God bless you and family to have a happiness and longevity.
Dear Sowanna, Here are some photos as promised. We have a very nice collection of photos from the trip and some good memories. We like to thank you very much for a great and safe trip through the Angkor Wat temple area. Clear explanation, flexible tour scheme, professional attitude, reliable up on appointments. You did a great job, both as a guide and private photographer. Kind regards, Marloes
edmarloes@live.nlSpecial thanks to Marloes de Saegher and family came from Holland who used our pick up services in Cambodia on 21st - 23 May 2009. May the Lord Buddha bless you and family to meet all happiness and longevity.
Dear Sowanna,
“Thanks Sowanna for the good visit during these 3 days ! You respect all our wishes, with nice optimization of the visit.
We sincerely appreciate your explanation on all history, with good sence of humor.
We wish you all the best for you and your family
Best regards
Annick Deschamps
Planning & Logistic Apparel & Accessories
Salomon S.A. – SOFTGOODS Logistics
74996 Annecy Cedex 9, France
Tel. +33 4 50 65 44 88, fax +33 4 50 65 45 97.
Special thanks to Annick Deschamps and friends came from France who used our pick up services in Cambodia - Angkor. May the God bless you and family to meet all happiness and longevity.
I and my group (altogether 5 women) spent 5 days in Cambodia. We arranged our program in advance with Sowanna and he booked for us an excellent hotel as we agreed on it. Our trip was excellent and memorable thank to our guide to Sowanna. He’s a very talented, experienced guide so we could rely on him every time.
He’s very flexible and accomplised all of our wishes. For example On the way to Beng Melea – to a distant but a very interesting and intact place – we realized in a village that a wedding ceremony was held and as we were interested Sowanna arranged for us to participate ont he ceremony and to take photos there. These was a magical moment for us.
He knows well every monument and buildings he could show us the best places for taking photos. He could show us the most interesting places among the historical places and int he villages too.
Our bus was always very clean and we got cool fresh water every day in the bus during the trip. He took us restaurants where we could ate safe and healthy food. It’s also very important.
So, I could recommend to everybody to take their visit to Cambodia with Sowanna. If anybody need any information about him or about our travel, please feel free to write me:
zelko.csilla@mkb.hu or
csillogo11@gmail.comDear Sowanna, I hope you are satisfied with my testimony. I wish you all the best and good luck in your job and private life too.
Best regards,
Hi Sowanna,
We had a great time in Cambodia and then went to Vietnam for several days. I am now back in the U.S. and have attached some of the group pictures per your request.
Thank you for doing such a great job at sharing your beautiful country with us. The people we met were so friendly and I highly recommend that everyone experience the rich culture and learn from the history that Cambodia has to offer. We enjoyed your stories and will recommend your services to our friends.
Best wishes,
Special thanks to Ms. Parul and friends who used our pick up services in Cambodia on 11 - 16 May 2009. May the Lord Buddha bless all of you and family to meet all happiness and longevity.
Dear sowanna
Happy to see your email ...we all arrived here safely and was sharing our expereince with all my freinds here in singapore ..a good time.
Same time..happy to see that you have a new group coming to visit cambodia next week and same time you will be taking them around...Keep up the good work...
Myself will definitely recommend my friends/colleague to you as a "guide" for their future trip,...
Byeee for now...kusum...
kusumkb@yahoo.com.sgSpecial thanks to Jitendra Bhilare and family who used our pick up services in Cambodia on 11 - 14 June 2009.
Hi Sowanna,
Nice to see your mail. Our trip was great. I really liked cambodia very much; more than temples I like people of cambodia..nice simple and innocent..We had great time with u and visiting temples...you took very well care of us.
I will surely post u some pics this weekend I am currently very busy with work so couldnt get time to upload pictures....I would like to be part of helping people of cambodia in all the way I can so whenever you see some opportunity where in can be of any help please do let me know.Looking forward to see you again soon.
Special thanks to Ruchirdhar Dwivedi and friends who used our pick up services on 28 - 31 May 2009 in Cambodia.
Dear Mr. Wanna, Our trip to Cambodia was amazing. We learned so much about your country, both past and present, in just three short days. It felt like we were in another world, one so rich with history, both glorious and spiritual, yet a recent history so incredibly painful. Irene and I both felt a great deal of respect for you, Mr. Bunto and the Cambodian people for how you and your country are pulling themsleves out of a difficult time and making the best of the great things you have: your temples, your forests and lakes, your culture and most of all, the beauty of the people from deep within. I would like to thank you and Mr. Bunto for all of the incredible knowledge you shared with us, but also your personal stories, your opinions and your observations. Thank you for not only helping to give us a great tourist experience, but also a great human experience. Visiting Cambodia was the highlight of our two week Songkran holiday. Thank you for sharing your life, your history and your culture with us.
Again, thank you for making our trip so rich. Maryan Cerina
Special thanks to Maryan Cerina and Irene Brinkman came from Canada who used our pick up services in Cambodia ( 16 - 18 April 2009 ) and donated moneys to our Angkor Homestay Volunteer Teachers Organization ( Free English Education for children in rural areas) amount US$40 and 100 Canada moneys.
May the God bless you and family to meet all happiness and longevity.
Hello Sowanna,
Natalie and Hayden are extremely thankful to their guide and driver for making their first trip to Cambodia one of the best holidays they have ever been on. The guide was able to be flexible with our requests and adapt his speed to our requirements. The driver was always there and ready with a lovely cold bottle of water. The guide and driver were always on time, efficient, friendly. It could not have been better and we love Cambodia . Cant wait to come back and we will certainly contact Sowanna again when we do.
Kind regards,
Special thanks to Natalie and Hayden (
Natalie.Lee@infor.com ) came from Singapore who used our pick up services in Cambodia on 14 - 16 March 2009. May God bless you and family to meet all happiness and longevity.
Hello Mr Wanna
Thank you so much for your emails. The trip my sister and I had with you in Cambodia is one I will never forget. I have attached a nice photo for you.
Do you remember that I bought a musical instrument from a vendor? It is made of wood and is played with a bow. Do you know the name of it? I just can't remember. Anyway, thank you again for a wonderful trip, and I hope we see you again sometime.
Irene Brinkman
Hi. Wanna,Just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know that I had agreat time on the visit two weeks ago. We really enjoyed your tour ofSiem Reap and the Angkor temples. In particular, it was great to hearyour perspective on Cambodia's history and its relations with yourneighboring countries. Cambodia has survived some incrediblechallenges, and it sounds like there are more to come.I'd love to stay in touch -- best of luck in the future.Jason Bhardwaj
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